2 nd. international Summer Camp „Meer Machen“
Financed by funds of the EU program „Youth in Action“
All information under reserve, since the funds have not yet been granted by the EU
Dear partners and friends, Berlin, 21.03.08
This year the second international Summer Camp will take place between the 18th and 31th of august. Place of the encounter will be the beach near the Ostseeheilbad Graal Müritz, in the federal state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, where we will jointly create a creative two-week summer camp. During the last summercamp we experienced the concept was working very well. This experience backs up the new challenge of organising a new Summercamp that has even more perspectives.
The camp will be organised by the non-profit association TuneUp e.V. Berlin , the Jugendhaus Graal Müritz (JSW) and others. With financial backing by the EU support program „Youth in Action“ we organise the second international Summercamp. Tune Up e.V. aims for promoting arts and culture, focusing on improvised contemporary music. It consists of musicians, sound engineers, music teachers and generally those interested in music and arts. In the past we have been organising open jam sessions and concerts in and around Berlin.
This year a special focus lies in the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities. Between 10-15 youngsters from an assisted living backround and their carers will participate. Furthermore an organisation (NIG) that runs international voluntary youth services collaborate with the summercamp.
All groups consist of about 6-10 people between 18 and 30 years of age.
Through jointly planned workshops we hope to create a lively and active atmosphere. Everybody can decide freely and according to interests, in which workshops to participate. Of course you can also combine several workshops, or offer one yourself. The results will be presented at parties and concerts and additionally documented by video and pictures.
Due to the financial aid from the EU program „Youth in Action“, we will be able to invite two participants from each country to fly to Graal Müritz one month before the encounter to prepare the camp. There will also be free accommodation and provisions. You will only have to pay about 30% of your travel costs. We try to pick you up at the airport, bus or railway station and of course we are always there for your questions and recommendations. There will be a camp office.
A tolerant, open, peaceful atmosphere is crucial to us. The TuneUp Summer Camp “Meermachen” stands for creativity and free expression of opinion. There is no space for violence, sexism and hard drugs!
Please don’t forget to leave your email address. We are looking forward to meet you! Life is Jam – Go Play